
The import for the Http module.

import { Http } from '@nativescript/core'


The getString method allows us to make a request and get the response body as a string value.

import { Http } from '@nativescript/core'

  (result: string) => {
    viewModel.set('getStringResult', r)
  e => {}


The getJSON method gives us a simple way to get the response body as a JSON object.

import { Http } from '@nativescript/core'

  (result: any) => {
  e => {}


The getFile method allows us to download a file.

import { Http } from '@nativescript/core'

  resultFile => {
    // The returned result will be File object
  e => {}


By default the file will be saved in Documents folder.

In the getFile method we could also specify the path, where the file to be saved. This scenario is demonstrated in the example below, where the image file will be kept in the current application folder.

import { File, Http, knownFolders, path } from '@nativescript/core'

const filePath: string = path.join(knownFolders.currentApp().path, 'test.png')

  (resultFile: File) => {
    // The returned result will be File object
  e => {}


The getImage method allows us to get an image from a specific URL. The returned object will be ImageSource and it could be used for direct displaying the source into Image view in your UI.

import { Http, ImageSource } from '@nativescript/core'

  (r: ImageSource) => {
    // getImage method returns ImageSource object
  e => {}


This example request method demonstrates how we can access the response headers, content, and statusCode.

import { Http, HttpResponse } from '@nativescript/core'

  url: '',
  method: 'GET'
  (response: HttpResponse) => {
    // Argument (response) is HttpResponse
    console.log(`Response Status Code: ${response.statusCode}`)
    console.log(`Response Headers:`, response.headers)
    console.log(`Response Content: ${response.content}`)
  e => {}

This example demonstrates, how to get the request-response content and how to represent the received data as a String value or JSON object. We could also use toImage method when we download an image.

import { Http, HttpResponse } from '@nativescript/core'

  url: '',
  method: 'GET'
  (response: HttpResponse) => {
    // Content property of the response is HttpContent
    const content = response.content

    // The toString method allows you to get the response body as string.
    const str = content.toString()

    // The toJSON method allows you to parse the received content to JSON object
    // var obj = content.toJSON();

    // The toImage method allows you to get the response body as ImageSource.
    // var img = response.content.toImage();
  e => {}


The example demonstrates, how to make Http POST request and how to get request response.

import { Http, HttpResponse } from "@nativescript/core";

  url: "",
  method: "POST",
  headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
  content: JSON.stringify({
    username: ",
    password: "someEncryptedPasswordValue",
  (response: HttpResponse) => {
    const result = response.content.toJSON();
    console.log(`Http POST Result: ${result}`)
  (e) => {}


getFile(url: string, destinationFilePath?: string): Promise<File>Promise<File>Downloads the content from the specified URL and attempts to save it as file.
getImage(url: string): Promise<ImageSource>Promise<ImageSource>Downloads the content from the specified URL and attempts to decode it as an image.
getJSON<T>(url: string): Promise<T>Promise<T>Downloads the content from the specified URL as a string and returns its JSON.parse representation.
getString(url: string): Promise<string>Promise<string>Downloads the content from the specified URL as a string.
request(options: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>Promise<HttpResponse>Makes a generic http request using the provided options and returns a HttpResponse Object.

API References
